Paleochora 2003, the day of arrival. Monday, 21.07.2003 Finally in Heraklion The bus procedure is celebrated as usual. But damn, where is he driving this time? Answer (as anybody who was in Heraklion for at least two times, can imagine): The arrival hall has moved another time, rotated by 90 degrees compared to last year. The toilets stayed at their old place.. Unfortunately the nice sign we enjoyed last year is missing: In English this could have sounded like: "Please don't annoy paper in the toilets". Anyway, we liked it. Hours later the luggage shows up. The stuff coming in from various planes is mixed up like hell. Funny. Like every year these "organized travellers" hurry around in dispair, talking about bad organization. They gasp for air, run back and forth, building up their suitcase mountains and finally end up weeping in the arms of a nurse or tour guide. We enjoy the show. It's only Heraklion Airport, nothing more or less. To our delight we are able to hide the sign saying by sitting on skillfully selected seats. What is left in the end is our luggage. Guitar OK, backpack broken. We know this. That's life.