Paleochora - Light, heat and
unbelievable silence
first a nostalgically transfigured gaze at "Schleichers" Kafenion.
The picture is from 1988 or so.
I don't have many really old photos, but if you want
to you may help me.
Why Schleicher? In those years we all were reading
"Lord of the Rings". I think therefore and because it decribed
his way to move, he got the nickname "Schleicher" (which in
German means a person who moves really slow).
his name was Georgios
Lambakakis. He was a very special kind of character. Opposite to
his Kafenion, on the old turkish prefecture (today "Coconut"
and unfortunately a new house) you could see a sign saying: "Welcome
to Paleochora. Please dress decently". He, as an ex-policeman
took this really serious in his special way.
People wearing short trousers had difficulties
anyway. Unless they could win his trust somehow. The man owns
human-knowledge without doubt. Barefoot-walkers and other
"cool-persons" who
appeared like they wanted to change Paleochora into some kind of
müsli-city, weren't served. The same was happening to people who wanted
to read, knit or do other strange things (especially at breakfast-time),
you do better at home. A really bad time was reserved for the super-cool
types who didn't sit down face to the street like it's usual there, but
with the face to the wall. Well done Georgio. I think those were the
people who use the tram the same way and look at you with a dull
expression in there face at 6:00 h in the morning. Furthermore this was
a contempt of the village-life you should share when you're there. In
the beginning, maybe until 1980 or 1982, you were a "Xenos"
which means guest, and not a tourist. Normally a guest doesn't turn his
back to the host (Paleochora).
 Schleicher. He
never forgot anything, always had his antique rag
with him, never deceived anybody and never stopped serving Meze-plates,
that were traditionally prepared and tasted fine. He never divided local
people from Freaks (if they behaved right). Often there was also a
rather dried up small sardine on
those plates. Some of the Freaks used to push it from one to the
other for hours until it suddenly disappeared. After a while it
suddenly appeared again on another plate at another table. But I don't
really believe that it was the same one . I always ate mine, so I always
knew how old it was. If you were lucky enough and Schleicher trusted
you, you were free to serve yourself all day long and pay in the evening
or even on the next day. He always knew who would try to deceive him and
who not.
As tourists became stranger or maybe more criminal
later, he locked his Kafenion during Siesta-time. What else
should he do?.
Very nice too was his wife Argirula, she made
the best cake I ever tasted. But she had to stop this some years ago for
health-reasons. The Kafenion got leased and renovated. Now it looks like
an "Almhütte" in Tyrol, but with a nice toilet, and became a
music pub like many others. I don't remember the name exactly, something
like "Fabrik" (factory?). I preferred Georgios Kafenion but
anyway it's still nice to sit on that corner.