After getting the luggage down from the bus I had to walk between "Schleicher" and the old vegetable-shop direction sandy beach. Sand, sand nothing but sand and a few small tamarisks. At the sandy beach I had to turn left to get to the house of Tasoula and Petros Konstantoudakis "Pahia Ammos". There I was welcomed with a huge glass of thick, home made Lemonade, I think because I looked quite young then. I gave my papers and my money to Tasoula, those things were always stored well in her kitchen. I got my room respectively bed, put down guitar and backpack and got out again for a first walk. |
I always rented a room or a bed, although I used to sleep at the beach. It was much nicer to sleep under the starlit sky and listen to the wind and the waves, than to sleep in a room. At least until Tasoulas chickens, which were still running free at that time because there was no road, woke you up early in the morning. In my special "anti-sandstorm"-sleepingbag-construction this was very cosy too.
All the best for your long ride Georgio, we will never forget your cordial way.